New year, new goals and new ways to achieve success! While I am sure you have set new goals for 2020, do not forget to pen down what you achieved in 2019! Did you make a list at the starting of 2019? If yes, you should definitely self reflect & check how far you’ve come. Have you achieved all the goals you set out to achieve in 2019 or there are still some left on your list? Don’t worry if you haven’t, you can add ’em to your 2020 list. Well, setting SMART goals is one of the most important things you need to consider before making a list. We all know that there’s no sure shot formula to achieve success but here are a few personal and career goals that’d help you in maximizing your potential while driving you towards success.
Stay healthy!
Whether it includes regular exercising or an hour of meditation every morning, setting a goal that keeps you physically fit is important! You might consider living the ‘vegan’ life for a month or avoiding foods that aren’t good for your health. Anything and everything that can improve your physical health can be considered as a goal! Also, do not forget to drink at least 6 liters of water per day!
Watch where you spend!
Setting a goal that helps you in saving money is again a personal goal (an important one). Start saving for something you really need (like a house or a car) instead of buying everything that slightly attracts you. Moreover, checking your account at the end of every week might help you in eventually cutting down your expenses upto a certain limit.
Learn something new!
Education is the key to success! Learn something that adds up to your overall growth. Whether it be a new skill, a new language or an online course, enroll yourself in whatever you think is best for you and give your best in it! You might just find a new thing you’re amazing at!
Spend more time with your loved ones!
While you work hard on the professional front, do not forget to make some time out for your family. It might sound a bit weird but yes, setting up a goal to spend some more time with your family is a real thing. It might involve taking your kids out for a walk or a coffee date with your partner. Anything that makes ’em happy would make you happy, trust me!
Keep your mind fresh!
Everything turns gloomy when you’re sad on the inside. Your mind needs rest and it shouldn’t be ignored. If you ever feel like giving up on things you once loved, see a therapist! 5 minutes of meditation and cutting off all ties from social media for a while might help but if they don’t, seek professional help. Setting up a goal that keeps you psychologically fit might involve reading a motivational book, a therapy or anything you consider good!
Be your own Boss!
Do not wait for a senior to come and tell you what to do. If you love it, you must already know what to do. We often let our seniors set goals for us at the workplace but this year, try setting up a goal for yourself and work hard to get there! Once you do this, you won’t ever look back and who knows it might just awaken your entrepreneurial instincts!
Do something you love!
Be it enhancing your creative skills or pursuing a new hobby, do it whenever you feel low. Even if you’re not very good at it, do not get disheartened – practice makes a man perfect! It can be anything, from traveling the world to writing a new piece every day. Do it for yourself, not for the world!
Disconnect yourself from the world for a day!
Keeping your phone away and having real conversations with the ones you love is one of the most classic things ever. If you think you’ve socialized a lot in the past few days, do not hesitate to dedicate a full day to yourself. Get in your lounge pants and do whatever you love – cook, watch a movie or just sleep. It really helps in maintaining your psychological balance.
Do more good deeds!
Doing things that make you feel good about yourself is the key to happiness. Whether it be buying gifts for someone you love or helping a friend to get out of problems they can’t sort by themselves. Listen to a friend who needs you and do the best you can. It would definitely make you feel good!
Live OFFLINE for a moment!
By this, I mean, do something that doesn’t only look good on your stories. Go out with your friends, make real conversations and do all this for yourself, not for social media! You can even plan a trip with your partner and let it be private – the world does not need to know everything.
Give your body the rest it needs!
I understand that workload spoils our sleep schedule but do not let this happen as it affects your life to a great extent. Getting a proper 8 hours of sleep is as important as drinking 3 liters of water every day – you can survive without it but it’s bad for your health. Set up a goal that’d help you in getting enough sleep, no matter what! You’ll start noticing the difference by the end of your first month!
Have you listed down your 2020 goals yet? Do not forget to share ’em with me!