I have found the perfect face moisturizer with clean ingredients that effortlessly leveled up my moisturization game in no time. Trust me, this very product is better than the rest. I am talking about the Dream Glow Moisture Cream by Model off Duty Beauty. Ever since I got my hands on this face moisturizer, I can’t help but think, where was it all my life?
This thought made me want to share this rare gem with all my readers. The Dream Glow Moisture Cream is made up of 100% natural and vegan ingredients, like avocado, rosemary leaf extract, and jojoba oil. They work to rejuvenate, hydrate as well as protect your precious skin.
Model Off Duty Beauty

Dream Glow Moisture Cream
We are obsessed with the ingredients in the cream
This moisturizer is made of skin-friendly superfoods, and it is such a relief for anyone who never wants to see a single chemical in their skincare regimen again! Here is a thorough description of why I love the ingredients of this MODB moisturizer. This MODB product is formulated with natural ingredients like avocado, rosemary leaf extract, and jojoba oil.
Avocado oil consists of essential antioxidants as well as important anti-inflammatory agents. This facilitates smooth, strong, and young-looking skin. Along with that, jojoba oil in the cream gives you that gorgeously perfect glow. Furthermore, rosemary acts as a shield for the skin. This moisturizer is the perfect of blend of more natural ingredients like rosehip seed oil, vitamin A, vitamin B5, vitamin C as well as vitamin E.
It’s 100% safe & natural
Apart from being natural and vegan, all the ingredients in this moisturizer are non-GMO, gluten-free, paraben-free, non-toxic, phthalate-free, sustainable as well as cruelty-free. To be honest, it’s one of the best face moisturizers with clean ingredients I have ever found. Trust my word, this safe skincare product is totally worth an investment!
Up Next: We finally breakdown our night time skincare regimen